Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Devos, M., & Ricquier, B. (2022). Cooking with Linguists: Culinary Lexicon and Recipes in selected Bantu Languages.
  2.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (11)

  3. 1. Ricquier, B., Bangwabendi Katoba, E., Kopa Wa Kopa, D., Kumbatulu Sita Bangbasa, C., Kutsch Lojenga, C., Maniacky, J., Mombaya Liwila, N., & Ngbanga Bandombele, E. (2022). La diversité linguistique dans le nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo. In State of the Art of Indigenous Languages in Research: A collection of selected research papers. UNESCO.
  4. 2. Ricquier, B., Ambouroue, O., & Mombaya Liwila, N. (2022). La cuisine au bord du fleuve Congo : lexique et recettes en lokele, foma, topoke, heso et mbuza. In M. Devos & B. Ricquier (Eds.), Cooking with Linguists: Culinary Lexicon and Recipes in Selected Bantu Languages (p. 315). Tervuren: Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale.
  5. 3. Ricquier, B. (2020). Language and Archeology. In The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. John Wiley & Sons.
  6. 4. Ricquier, B. (2018). Historical Linguistics: Loanwords and Borrowing. In T. Spear (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  7. 5. Ricquier, B. (2017). The ‘Words-and-Things’ Method. In E. Cornelissen, A. L. Smith, O. Gosselain, & S. MacEachern (Eds.), Field Manual for African archaeology. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa.
  8. 6. Ricquier, B. (2017). La méthode 'mots et choses'. In E. Cornelissen, A. L. Smith, O. Gosselain, & S. MacEachern (Eds.), Manuel de terrain en archéologie africaine (pp. 261-263). Tervuren: Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale.
  9. 7. Ricquier, B. (2014). The History of Porridge in Bantuphone Africa, with Words as Main Ingredients. In M. Chastanet, G. Chouin, D. De Lima, & T. Guindeuil (Eds.), Manger et boire en Afrique avant le XXe siècle: Des pratiques alimentaires aux frontières de la discipline historique.(Afriques).
  10. 8. Ricquier, B. (2013). Kongo Cuisine and the Middle Passage in Terms of Peanuts. In S. Cooksey, R. Poynor, & H. Vanhee (Eds.), Kongo Across the Waters (pp. 258-263). University Press of Florida.
  11. 9. Ricquier, B. (2013). Central Africa. In B. Kraig & C. Taylor Sen (Eds.), Street Food around the World. An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture (pp. 66-70). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
  12. 10. Ricquier, B. (2011). Central Africa. In Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia, Vol. 1. Africa and the Middle East (pp. 31-41). Westport: Greenwood Press.
  13. 11. Ricquier, B., & Bostoen, K. (2010). Retrieving Food History through Linguistics: Culinary Traditions in Early Bantuphone communities. In R. Hosking (Ed.), Food and Language (pp. 258-269). Totnes: Prospect Books.

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