Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (29)

  1. 1. Vaandrager, P., Dohet-Eraly, J., & Sparenberg, J.-M. (2024). The Jost function and Siegert pseudostates from R-matrix calculations at complex wavenumbers. European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei, 60, 99, 16. doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01316-4
  2. 2. Descouvemont, P., & Dohet-Eraly, J. (2024). Resonances in the R-Matrix Method. Few-body systems, 65(1), 9. doi:10.1007/s00601-023-01876-z
  3. 3. Duerinck, P.-Y., Lazauskas, R., & Dohet-Eraly, J. (2023). Antiproton-deuteron hydrogenic states from a coupled-channel approach. Physical Review C, 108, 054003.
  4. 4. Dohet-Eraly, J., & Servais, J. (2022). Lagrange-mesh calculations of S-wave resonances in three-body atomic systems. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 55(24), 245001. doi:10.1088/1361-6455/ac9e2e
  5. 5. Dohet-Eraly, J., & Descouvemont, P. (2021). Exchange effects in nucleus-nucleus reactions. Physical Review C, 103(3), 034619. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.034619
  6. 6. Baye, D. J., & Dohet-Eraly, J. (2021). Three-body Coulomb description of pionic helium. Physical Review A, 103(2), 022823. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.103.022823
  7. 7. Dohet-Eraly, J., & Viviani, M. (2020). Computing an orthonormal basis of symmetric or antisymmetric hyperspherical harmonics. Computer physics communications, 253, 107183.
  8. 8. Marcucci, L., Dohet-Eraly, J., Girlanda, L., Gnech, A., Kievsky, A., & Viviani, M. (2020). The Hyperspherical Harmonics Method: A Tool for Testing and Improving Nuclear Interaction Models. Frontiers in Physics, 8, 69. doi:10.3389/fphy.2020.00069
  9. 9. Baye, D. J., & Dohet-Eraly, J. (2020). Quasibound states of an antiproton and a hydrogen atom. Physical Review A, 101, 022507. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.101.022507
  10. 10. Baye, D. J., Dohet-Eraly, J., & Schoofs, P. (2019). Structure changes along the lowest rotational band of the antiprotonic helium atom. Physical Review A, 99, 022508. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.022508
  11. 11. Viviani, M., Girlanda, L., Kievsky, A., Marcucci, L., & Dohet-Eraly, J. (2018). Three-nucleon force effects in A=4 scattering. Few-body systems, 59, 73. doi:10.1007/s00601-018-1379-6
  12. 12. Filippin, L., Schiffmann, S., Dohet-Eraly, J., Baye, D. J., & Godefroid, M. (2018). Relativistic semiempirical-core-potential calculations in Ca+, Sr+, and Ba+ ions on Lagrange meshes. Physical Review A, 97, 012506. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.012506

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