Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)

  1. 1. Ruwet, C., van Gameren, V., Bauler, T., & Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E. (2012). La paradoxale gouvernance des groupements d’achats alimentaires, ou: comment favoriser la généralisation d’un mode de consommation alternatif ? In D. Van Dam, M. Streith, J. Nizet, & P. Stassart (Eds.), Agroécologie, des semences à l’assiette. Peter Lang.
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (1)

  3. 1. Crivits, M., Paredis, E., Boulanger, P.-M., Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., Bauler, T., & Lefin, A.-L. (2010). Scenarios based on sustainability discourses: Constructing alternative consumption and consumer perspectives. Futures, 42, 1187-1199.
  4.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (5)

  5. 1. Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., & Bauler, T. (2010). The governance of alternative producer-consumer relationships and their institutionalisation: the case of local foodsystems. IAIA 2010: Transitioning to the New Economy (Bern)
  6. 2. Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., & Bauler, T. (2009). Scenarios as Learning Tools. Knowledge, Technologies and Changing Institutions Nordic Environmental Social Sciences(09-12 June, 2009: London, UK)
  7. 3. Wallenborn, G., & Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E. (2009). Prospective et planification pour un développement durable: deux philosophies du temps hétérogènes et complémentaires. 10ème Congrès de l'Association française de science politique AFSP 2009(7-9 septembre 2009: Grenoble, France)
  8. 4. Bauler, T., Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., & Bonifazi, A. (2008). Sustainability Evaluations in the Context of Long-Term Strategizing: Crossing Insights from Urban Development and Transition Management. EASY-ECO Vienna conference: ‘Governance by Evaluation : InstitutionalCapacities and Learning for SD’
  9. 5. Wallenborn, G., Bauler, T., & Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E. (2007). Long term strategizing for Sustainable Development: Discussing the difficult linkage between prospective and planning endeavors. International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics: ‘Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability’ (5-8 Juin 2007: Leipzig, Allemagne)
  10.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (2)

  11. 1. Bauler, T., van Gameren, V., Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., Paredis, E., & Crivits, M. (2011). Construction of Scenarios and Exploration of Transition pathways for sustainable consumption: Final report.
  12. 2. Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., Bauler, T., & Wallenborn, G. (2007). Méthodes participatives de prospective et de planification pour un développement durable : analyse d’approches et de réalisations: Rapport Final.
  13.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (4)

  14. 1. Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., & Bauler, T. (2009). Scenarios as transition Tools ? the case of sustainable food consumption. Paper session presented at 7th International conference on the Human Dimensions of global environmental change (April 2009: Bonn, Germany).
  15. 2. Bauler, T., Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., Wallenborn, G., Paredis, E., & Crivits, M. (2009). Scenarios as transition Tools ?: the case of sustainable food consumption. Paper session presented at 7th International conference on the Human Dimensions of global environmental change Bonn (26-30 April 2009: Germany).
  16. 3. Jempa Kanko Mutombo, E., & Bauler, T. (2009). Scenarios as Strategizing and Learning Tools. Paper session presented at Nordic Environmental Social Sciences conference (9-12 June 2009: London).

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