Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (10)

  1. 1. Filiot, E., Gauwin, O., Reynier, P.-A., & Servais, F. (2019). Streamability of nested word transductions. Logical methods in computer science, Volume 15, Issue 2. doi:10.23638/LMCS-15(2:1)2019
  2. 2. Filiot, E., Raskin, J.-F., Reynier, P.-A., Servais, F., & Talbot, J.-M. (2018). Visibly pushdown transducers. Journal of computer and system sciences.
  3. 3. Filiot, E., Gauwin, O., Reynier, P.-A., & Servais, F. (2013). From Two-Way To One-Way Finite State Transducers. Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
  4. 4. Filiot, E., & Servais, F. (2012). Visibly pushdown transducers with look-ahead. Lecture notes in computer science, 7147 LNCS, 251-263. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27660-6_21
  5. 5. Filiot, E., Gauwin, O., Reynier, P.-A., & Servais, F. (2011). Streamability of Nested Word Transductions. Leibniz international proceedings in informatics. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2011.312
  6. 6. Picalausa, F., Servais, F., & Zimanyi, E. (2011). XEvolve: An XML schema evolution framework. ACM SIGAPP applied computing review.
  7. 7. Reynier, P.-A., & Servais, F. (2011). Minimal coverability set for Petri nets: Karp and Miller algorithm with pruning. Lecture notes in computer science, 6709 LNCS, 69-88. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21834-7_5
  8. 8. Filiot, E., Raskin, J.-F., Reynier, P.-A., Servais, F., & Talbot, J.-M. (2010). Properties of Visibly Pushdown Transducers (MFCS). Lecture notes in computer science, 6281.
  9. 9. Raskin, J.-F., & Servais, F. (2008). Visibly pushdown transducers. Lecture notes in computer science, 5126, 386-397.
  10. 10. Collette, S., Raskin, J.-F., & Servais, F. (2007). On the symbolic computation of the hardest configurations of the RUSH HOUR game. Lecture notes in computer science, 4630, 220-233. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-75538-8_20
  11.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (2)

  12. 1. Caralp, M., Filiot, E., Reynier, P.-A., Servais, F., & Talbot, J.-M. (2013). Expressiveness of Visibly Pushdown Transducers. TTATT (pp. 17-26).
  13. 2. Picalausa, F., Servais, F., & Zimanyi, E. (2011). XEvolve: An XML schema evolution framework. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (pp. 1645-1650) TaiChung, Taiwan: ACM Press.

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