Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (4)

  1. 1. Poelaert, M. (2009). Les aléas de la conservation en bibliothèques : prévenir et guérir. Cahiers de la documentation(2009/2) , 36-40.
  2. 2. Schietse, B., Ezzedine, K. K., Amiel, A., Van De Leemput, C., Kints, B., Ladlani, R., Seymons, K., & Poelaert, M. (2007). Black-Skin project of the Multiannual information society support programme 2001-2008 : Black-Skin Dermatology Online - Contribution to teledermatology: Half-yearly activity.
  3. 3. Schietse, B., Ezzedine, K. K., Amiel, A., Van De Leemput, C., Kints, B., Ladlani, R., Seymons, K., & Poelaert, M. (2007). Black-Skin project of the Multiannual information society support programme 2001-2008 : Black-Skin Dermatology Online - Contribution to teledermatology: Half-yearly activity.
  4. 4. Schietse, B., Ezzedine, K. K., Amiel, A., Van De Leemput, C., Kints, B., Ladlani, R., Seymons, K., & Poelaert, M. (2006). Black-Skin project of the Multiannual information society support programme 2001-2008 : Black-Skin Dermatology Online - Contribution to teledermatology: Half-yearly activity.