Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (2)
Chéron, G., Duvinage, M., De Saedeleer, C., Castermans, T., Bengoetxea, A., Petieau, M., Seetharaman, K., Hoellinger, T., Dan, B., Dutoit, T., Sylos-Labini, F., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. P. (2012). From spinal central pattern generators to cortical network: integrated BCI for walking rehabilitation. In Neural Plasticity.2.
Chéron, G., Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Leurs, F., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., Bengoetxea, A., De Saedeleer, C., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Seetharaman, K., Drayer, J.-P., & Dan, B. (2011). Toward an integrative dynamic recurrent neural network for sensorimotor coordination dynamics. In Recurrent Neural Networks for Temporal Data Processing (pp. 65-80). Vienna: Intech. Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (16)
Chéron, G., Leroy, A., Palmero Soler, E., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., Vidal, M., Dan, B., Berthoz, A., & McIntyre, J. (2014). Gravity influences top-down signals in visual processing. PloS one, 9(1), e82371. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00823712.
De Saedeleer, C., Vidal, M., Lipshits, M., Bengoetxea, A., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., Berthoz, A., Chéron, G., & McIntyre, J. (2013). Weightlessness alters up/down asymmetries in the perception of self-motion. Experimental Brain Research, 226(1), 95-106. doi:10.1007/s00221-013-3414-73.
Leurs, F., Bengoetxea, A., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Dan, B., & Chéron, G. (2012). Planar covariation of elevation angles in prosthetic gait. Gait & posture. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.12.0174.
Chéron, G., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Petieau, M., Seetharaman, K., Hoellinger, T., Dan, B., Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Dutoit, T., Labini, F. S., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. (2012). From spinal central pattern generators to cortical network: Integrated BCI for walking rehabilitation. Neural Plasticity, 2012, 375148. doi:10.1155/2012/3751485.
Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., De Saedeleer, C., Seetharaman, K., Bengoetxea, A., Chéron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2011). Optimizing the performances of a P300-based brain-computer interface in ambulatory conditions. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 1(4), 6111496, 566-577. doi:10.1109/JETCAS.2011.21794216.
Bengoetxea, A., Dan, B., Leurs, F., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Gillis, P., & Chéron, G. (2010). Rhythmic muscular activation pattern for fast figure-eight movement. Clinical neurophysiology, 121(5), 754-765. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2009.12.0217.
Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., Pelc, K., Kornreich, C., Bengoetxea, A., De Saedeleer, C., Chéron, G., & Dan, B. (2010). Generator localization of emotional facial expressions processing in the child Developmental. Developmental medicine and child neurology. Supplement, 4, 12.8.
Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Leurs, F., Balestra, C., D'Alcantara, P., Palmero Soler, E., Dan, B., & Chéron, G. (2009). Movement gating of beta/gamma oscillations involved in the N30 somatosensory evoked potential. Human brain mapping, 30(5), 1568-1579. doi:10.1002/hbm.206249.
Chéron, G., Leroy, A., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., Leurs, F., Dan, B., Berthoz, A., & McIntyre, J. (2007). Mu and alpha EEG rhythms during the arrest reaction in microgravity. Microgravity, science and technology, 19(5-6), 102-107. doi:10.1007/BF0291946210.
Chéron, G., Cebolla Alvarez, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Leurs, F., Leroy, A., & Dan, B. (2007). Pure phase-locking of beta/gamma oscillation contributes to the N30 frontal component of somatosensory evoked potentials. BMC neuroscience, 8, 75. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-8-75