Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (8)

  1. 1. Chatard, A., Zerhouni, O., Solinas, M., & Noël, X. (2024). The Role of Implicit Associations in Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders. In Habits: Their Definition, Neurobiology, and Role in Addiction (1 ed., pp. 273-301). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
  2. 2. Noël, X., & Campanella, S. (2021). Alcohol Use Disorders and Psychiatric Comorbidities. In M. Balconi & S. Campanella (Eds.), Advances in Substance and Behavioral Addiction: The Role of Executive Functions (1 ed., pp. 197-209). Cham: Springer.
  3. 3. Dubuson, M., Dousset, C., Noël, X., & Campanella, S. (2021). Neuromodulation Techniques in the Treatment of Addictions. In M. Balconi & S. Campanella (Eds.), Advances in Substance and Behavioral Addiction: The Role of Executive Functions (1 ed., pp. 169-196). Cham: Springer.
  4. 4. Noël, X., Bechara, A., Saeremans, M., Kornreich, C., Dousset, C., Campanella, S., Chatard, A., Jaafari, N., & Dubuson, M. (2019). Inhibitory Control Training - A Multidisciplinary Approach. In S. Palermo (Ed.), Addiction: Brain and Cognitive Stimulation for Better Cognitive Control and Far Beyond. London: IntechOpen.
  5. 5. Noël, X., Jaafari, N., & Bechara, A. (2019). A Somatic Marker Perspective of Political Decision Making. In A Somatic Marker Perspective of Political Decision Making (pp. 1-29). USA: Oxford University Press.
  6. 6. Noël, X. (2012). Alcoholism: An Impulsive/Disinhibition Disorder? In Alcoholism: An Impulsive/Disinhibition Disorder?. Dr. Gina Rossi.
  7. 7. Noël, X., Verbanck, P., & Van der Linden, M. (2008). Traité de psychopathologie cognitive. In M. Van der Linden & G. Ceschi (Eds.), Abus de Substances psychoactives. Marseille: Solal.(283-343).
  8. 8. Bechara, A., Noël, X., & Crone, E. E. (2005). Loss of willpower: Abnormal neural mechanisms of impulse control and decision making in addiction. In Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction (pp. 215-232). SAGE Publications Inc. doi:10.4135/9781412976237.n15
  9.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (119)

  10. 1. Noël, X. (2024). Leveraging memory suppression from a goal-directed perspective to regain control over alcohol consumption. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research. doi:10.1111/acer.15462
  11. 2. Solinas, M., Chauvet, C., Lafay-Chebassier, C., Vanderkam, P., Barillot, L., Moeller, S. S., Goldstein, R., Noël, X., Jaafari, N., & Chatard, A. (2024). Tobacco Images Choice and Its Association with Craving and Dependence in People who Smoke Cigarettes. Nicotine & tobacco research. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntae138
  12. 3. Solinas, M., Chauvet, C., Lafay-Chebassier, C., Vanderkam, P., Barillot, L., Moeller, S. S., Goldstein, R., Noël, X., Jaafari, N., & Chatard, A. (2024). Cue-Induced Drug Seeking and Its Association with Craving and Dependence in Cigarette Smokers. Nicotine & tobacco research.
  13. 4. Vanderijst, L., Hever, F., Buot, A., Dauré, C., Benoit, J., Hanak, C., Veeser, J., Morgiève, M., Campanella, S., Kornreich, C., Mallet, L., Leys, C., & Noël, X. (2024). Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Severe Alcohol Use Disorder: Protocol for a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, 7-month Parallel-Group Phase II Superiority Trial. BMC psychiatry, 24(1), 1-15.

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