Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (2)
Baudry, S., Minetto, M. A., & Duchateau, J. (2016). Surface EMG Applications in Neurophysiology. In R. Merletti & D. Farina (Eds.), Surface Electromyography: Physiology, Engineering, and Applications (pp. 333-360). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi:10.1002/9781119082934.ch12 Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (106)
Baudry, S., Theodosiadou, A., Lapole, T., Patikas, D. D., Fabre, M., Sahinis, C., & Amiridis, I. G. (2025). The effect of age on ankle joint position sense differs between contralateral matching and ipsilateral reproduction tasks. Experimental Brain Research.2.
Sauvage, C., Chaulet, P., Rivas Lopez, L., Garbusinski, J., Cabaraux, P., Duvigneaud, Z., & Baudry, S. (2025). Immersive virtual reality to assess unilateral spatial neglect in stroke patients: a preliminary study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 57, jrm41195. doi:10.2340/jrm.v57.411954.
Lapole, T., Mesquita, R. R., Baudry, S., Souron, R., O'Brien, E. E., Brownstein, C. G., & Rozand, V. (2024). Persistent inward currents in tibialis anterior motoneurons can be reliably estimated within the same session. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology, 78, 102911. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2024.1029118.
De Dobbeleer, L., Beckwee, D., Arnold, P., Baudry, S., Beyer, I., Demarteau, J., Lieten, S., Punie, Y., & Bautmans, I. (2023). Comparison between Two Different Handgrip Systems and Protocols on Force Reduction in Handgrip Assessment. Gerontology, 69(10), 1259-1268. doi:10.1159/000530227