Peer-reviewed journal articles (96)

  1. 1. Belhaj, A., Dewachter, L., Monier, A., Vegh, G., Rorive, S., Remmelink, M., Closset, M., Melot, C., Creteur, J., Salmon, I., & Rondelet, B. (2023). Beneficial Effects of Tacrolimus on Brain-Death-Associated Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Pigs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (CD-ROM), 24(13), 10439. doi:10.3390/ijms241310439
  2. 2. Belhaj, A., Dewachter, L., Hupkens, E., Remmelink, M., Galanti, L., Rorive, S., Melot, C., Naeije, R., & Rondelet, B. (2022). Tacrolimus Prevents Mechanical and Humoral Alterations in Brain Death-induced Lung Injury in Pigs. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 206(5), 584-595. doi:10.1164/rccm.202201-0033OC
  3. 3. Rusu, S., Verocq, C., Trepant, A.-L., Maris, C., De Nève, N., Blanchard, O., Van Campenhout, C., De Clercq, S., Rorive, S., Cotoi, O. S., Decaestecker, C., Salmon, I., & D'Haene, N. (2021). Immunohistochemistry as an accurate tool for the assessment of BRAF V600E and TP53 mutations in primary and metastatic melanoma. Molecular and clinical oncology, 15(6), 270. doi:10.3892/mco.2021.2432
  4. 4. Mauri, F., Schepkens, C., Lapouge, G., Drogat, B., Song, Y., Pastushenko, I., Rorive, S., Blondeau, J., Golstein, S., Bareche, Y., Miglianico, M., Nkusi, E., Rozzi, M., Moers, V., Brisebarre, A., Raphael, M., Dubois, C., Durdu, B., Ribeiro, F., Sotiriou, C., Salmon, I., Vakili, J., Blanpain, C., Mauri, F., Schepkens, C., Lapouge, G., Drogat, B., Song, Y., Pastushenko, I., Rorive, S., Blondeau, J., Golstein, S., Bareche, Y., Miglianico, M., Nkusi, E., Rozzi, M., Moers, V., Brisebarre, A., Raphael, M., Dubois, C., Durdu, B., Ribeiro, F., Sotiriou, C., Salmon, I., Vakili, J., & Blanpain, C. (2021). NR2F2 controls malignant squamous cell carcinoma state by promoting stemness and invasion and repressing differentiation. Nature Cancer, 2(11), 1152-1169. doi:10.1038/s43018-021-00287-5
  5. 5. Bogaert, B., Tulelli, B., Rodesch, M., Pregardien, C., Rorive, S., & Lingier, P. (2021). Urachal mucinous cystadenoma in infant: First case report in infant and review of literature. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 71, 101942. doi:10.1016/j.epsc.2021.101942
  6. 6. Lebrun, L., Bizet, M., Melendez Asensio, B., Alexiou, B., Absil, L., Van Campenhout, C., D'Haene, N., Rorive, S., Fuks, F., Decaestecker, C., & Salmon, I. (2021). Analyses of DNA Methylation Profiling in the Diagnosis of Intramedullary Astrocytomas. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 80(7), 663-673. doi:10.1093/jnen/nlab052
  7. 7. Minsart, C., Rorive, S., Lemmers, A., Quertinmont, E., & Gustot, T. (2020). N-acetylcysteine and glycyrrhizin combination: Benefit outcome in a murine model of acetaminophen-induced liver failure. World Journal of Hepatology, 12(9), 596-618. doi:10.4254/WJH.V12.I9.596
  8. 8. Remmelink, M., De Mendonça, R., D'Haene, N., De Clercq, S., Verocq, C., Lebrun, L., Lavis, P., Racu, M.-L., Trepant, A.-L., Maris, C., Rorive, S., Goffard, J.-C., De Witte, O., Peluso, L., Vincent, J. L., Decaestecker, C., Taccone, F., & Salmon, I. (2020). Unspecific post-mortem findings despite multiorgan viral spread in COVID-19 patients. Critical care, 24(1), 495. doi:10.1186/s13054-020-03218-5
  9. 9. Godin, L., Balsat, C., Van Eycke, Y.-R., Allard, J., Royer, C., Remmelink, M., Pastushenko, I., D'Haene, N., Blanpain, C., Salmon, I., Rorive, S., & Decaestecker, C. (2020). A Novel Approach for Quantifying Cancer Cells Showing Hybrid Epithelial/Mesenchymal States in Large Series of Tissue Samples: Towards a New Prognostic Marker. Cancers, 12(4), 906. doi:10.3390/cancers12040906
  10. 10. Gevaert, T., Van Eycke, Y.-R., Vanden Broeck, T., Van Poppel, H., Salmon, I., Rorive, S., Muilwijk, T., Claessens, F., De Ridder, D., Joniau, S., & Decaestecker, C. (2020). The potential of tumour microenvironment markers to stratify the risk of recurrence in prostate cancer patients. PloS one, 15(12), e0244663. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244663
  11. 11. Melendez, B., Van Campenhout, C., Rorive, S., Remmelink, M., Salmon, I., & D'Haene, N. (2018). Methods of measurement for tumor mutational burden in tumor tissue. Translational lung cancer research, 7(6), 661-667. doi:10.21037/tlcr.2018.08.02
  12. 12. Lebrun, L., Milowich, D., Le Mercier, M., Allard, J., Van Eycke, Y.-R., Roumeguere, T., Decaestecker, C., Salmon, I., & Rorive, S. (2018). UCA1 overexpression is associated with less aggressive subtypes of bladder cancer. Oncology Reports, 40(5), 2497-2506. doi:10.3892/or.2018.6697

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