Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (24)
Delporte, C., Noret, N., Vanhaverbeke, C., Hardy, O. J., Martin, J.-F., Tremblay-Franco, M., Touboul, D., Gorel, A. P., Faes, M., Stévigny, C., Van Antwerpen, P., & Souard, F. (2021). Does the Phytochemical Diversity of Wild Plants Like the Erythrophleum genus Correlate with Geographical Origin? Molecules (Print Archive Edition), 26(6), 1668. doi:10.3390/molecules260616682.
Jacobs, A., Noret, N., Van Baekel, A., Liénard, A., Colinet, G., & Drouet, T. (2019). Influence of edaphic conditions and nitrogen fertilizers on cadmium and zinc phytoextraction efficiency of Noccaea caerulescens. Science of the total environment, 665, 649-659. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.0734.
Souard, F., Delporte, C., Stoffelen, P., Thévenot, E. E., Noret, N., Dauvergne, B., Kauffmann, J.-M., Van Antwerpen, P., & Stévigny, C. (2018). Metabolomics fingerprint of coffee species determined by untargeted-profiling study using LC-HRMS. Food chemistry, 245, 603-612. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.10.0225.
Jacobs, A., De Brabandere, L., Drouet, T., Sterckeman, T., & Noret, N. (2018). Phytoextraction of Cd and Zn with Noccaea caerulescens for urban soil remediation: influence of nitrogen fertilization and planting density. Ecological engineering, 116, 178-187. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.03.0077.
Gonneau, C., Noret, N., Godé, C., Kitt, J., Sirguey, C., Sterckeman, T., Koch, M. M., & Pauwels, M. (2017). Design and validation of sixteen single nucleotide polymorphism to investigate plastid DNA sequence variation in Noccaea caerulescens (Brassicaceae). Conservation genetics resources, 9(1), 67-71. doi:10.1007/s12686-016-0622-z8.
Gonneau, C., Noret, N., Godé, C., Frérot, H., Sirguey, C., Sterckeman, T., & Pauwels, M. (2017). Demographic history of the trace metal hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens (J. Presl and C. Presl) F. K. Mey. in Western Europe. Molecular ecology, 26(3), 904-922. doi:10.1111/mec.139429.
Ječmenica, V., Droissart, V., Noret, N., & Stevart, T. (2016). Taxonomy of Atlantic central African orchids 5: A new species of Angraecum sect. Conchoglossum (orchidaceae, angraecinae) from Gabon and Cameroon. PhytoKeys, 61(1), 61-71. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.61.701710.
Escarre Blanch, J., Lefebvre, C., Frérot, H., Mahieu, S., & Noret, N. (2013). Metal concentration and metal mass of metallicolous, non metallicolous and serpentine Noccaea caerulescens populations, cultivated in different growth media. Plant and soil, 1-25. doi:10.1007/s11104-013-1618-z11.
Escarre Blanch, J., Lefebvre, C., Raboyeau, S., Dossantos, A., Gruber, W., Cleyet Marel, J.-C., Frérot, H., Noret, N., Mahieu, S., Collin, C., & van Oort, F. (2011). Heavy Metal Concentration Survey in Soils and Plants of the Les Malines Mining District (Southern France): Implications for Soil Restoration. Water, air and soil pollution, 216, 485-504. doi:10.1007/s11270-010-0547-1