Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (24)
Ma, H., Bizet, M., Soares Da Costa, C., Murisier, F., de Bony, E. J., Wang, M.-K., Yoshimi, A., Lin, K.-T., Riching, K. M., Wang, X., Beckman, J. I., Arya, S., Droin, N., Calonne, E., Hassabi, B., Zhang, Q.-Y., Li, A., Putmans, P., Malbec, L., Hubert, C., Lan, J., Mies, F., Bula Ibula Yanga, Y., Solary, E., Daniels, D., Gupta, Y. K., Deplus, R., Abdel-Wahab, O., Yang, Y.-G., & Fuks, F. (2023). SRSF2 plays an unexpected role as reader of m5C on mRNA, linking epitranscriptomics to cancer. Molecular cell, 83(23), 4239-4254.e10. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2023.11.0032.
Dube, G., Tiamiou, A., Bizet, M., Boumahd, Y., Gasmi, I., Crake, R., Bellier, J., Nokin, M. J., Calonne, E., Deplus, R., Wissocq, T., Peulen, O., Castronovo, V., Fuks, F., & Bellahcène, A. (2023). Methylglyoxal: a novel upstream regulator of DNA methylation. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, 42(1), 78. doi:10.1186/s13046-023-02637-w3.
Jeschke, J., Collignon, E., Al Wardi, C., Krayem, M., Bizet, M., Jia, Y., Garaud, S., Wimana, Z., Calonne, E., Hassabi, B., Morandini, R., Deplus, R., Putmans, P., Dube, G., Singh, N. K., Koch, A., Shostak, K., Rizzotto, L., Ross, R. L., Desmedt, C., Bareche, Y., Rothé, F., Lehmann-Che, J., Duterque-Coquillaud, M., Leroy, X., Menschaert, G., Teixeira, L., Guo, M., Limbach, P. A., Close, P., Chariot, A., Leucci, E., Ghanem, G., Yuan, B., Willard-Gallo, K., Sotiriou, C., Marine, J.-C., & Fuks, F. (2021). Downregulation of the FTO m6A RNA demethylase promotes EMT-mediated progression of epithelial tumors and sensitivity to Wnt inhibitors. Nature Cancer, 2(6), 611-628. doi:10.1038/s43018-021-00223-74.
De Dieuleveult, M., Bizet, M., Colin, L., Calonne, E., Bachman, M., Li, C., Stancheva, I., Miotto, B., Fuks, F., & Deplus, R. (2021). The chromatin remodelling protein LSH/HELLS regulates the amount and distribution of DNA hydroxymethylation in the genome. Epigenetics, 1-22. doi:10.1080/15592294.2021.19171525.
Lan, J., Rajan, N., Bizet, M., Penning, A., Singh, N. K., Guallar, D., Calonne, E., Li Greci, A., Bonvin, E., Deplus, R., Hsu, P. P., Nachtergaele, S., Ma, C., Song, R., Fuentes-Iglesias, A., Hassabi, B., Putmans, P., Mies, F., Menschaert, G., Wong, J. J. L., Wang, J., Fidalgo, M., Yuan, B., & Fuks, F. (2020). Functional role of Tet-mediated RNA hydroxymethylcytosine in mouse ES cells and during differentiation. Nature communications, 11(1), 4956. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18729-66.
Deplus, R., Delliaux, C., Marchand, N., Flourens, A., Vanpouille, N., Leroy, X., De Launoit, Y., & Duterque-Coquillaud, M. (2017). TMPRSS2-ERG fusion promotes prostate cancer metastases in bone. Oncotarget, 8(7), 11827-11840. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.143997.
Brenner, C., Luciani, J., Bizet, M., Ndlovu, M. N., Josseaux, E., Dedeurwaerder, S., Calonne, E., Putmans, P., Cartron, P. F., Defrance, M., Fuks, F., & Deplus, R. (2016). The interplay between the lysine demethylase KDM1A and DNA methyltransferases in cancer cells is cell cycle dependent. Oncotarget, 7(37), 58939-58952. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.106248.
Delatte, B., Wang, F., Vo Ngoc, L., Collignon, E., Bonvin, E., Deplus, R., Calonne, E., Hassabi, B., Putmans, P., Awe, S., Wetzel, C., Kreher, J., Soin, R., Creppe, C., Limbach, P. A., Gueydan, C., Kruys, V., Brehm, A., Minakhina, S., Defrance, M., Steward, R., & Fuks, F. (2016). Transcriptome-wide distribution and function of RNA hydroxymethylcytosine. Science, 351(6270), 282-285. doi:10.1126/science.aac52539.
Denis, H., Van Grembergen, O., Delatte, B., Dedeurwaerder, S., Putmans, P., Calonne, E., Rothé, F., Sotiriou, C., Fuks, F., & Deplus, R. (2015). MicroRNAs regulate KDM5 histone demethylases in breast cancer cells. Molecular bioSystems. doi:10.1039/c5mb00513b10.
Delatte, B., Jeschke, J., Defrance, M., Bachman, M., Creppe, C., Calonne, E., Bizet, M., Deplus, R., Marroquí, L., Libin, M., Ravichandran, M., Mascart, F., Eizirik, D. L., Murrell, A., Jurkowski, T. P., & Fuks, F. (2015). Genome-wide hydroxymethylcytosine pattern changes in response to oxidative stress. Scientific reports, 5, 12714. doi:10.1038/srep1271411.
Deplus, R., Blanchon, L., Rajavelu, A., Boukaba, A. H., Defrance, M., Luciani, J., Rothé, F., Dedeurwaerder, S., Denis, H., Brinkman, A. B., Simmer, F., Müller, F., Bertin, B., Berdasco, M., Putmans, P., Calonne, E., Litchfield, D. D., De Launoit, Y., Jurkowski, T. P., Stunnenberg, H. H., Bock, C., Sotiriou, C., Fraga, M. F., Esteller, M., Jeltsch, A., & Fuks, F. (2014). Regulation of DNA methylation patterns by CK2-mediated phosphorylation of Dnmt3a. Cell reports, 8(3), 743-753. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2014.06.048