Ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur (1)

  1. 1. Vokaer, A. (2011). La Brittle Ware en Syrie. Production et diffusion d’une céramique culinaire de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque omeyyade.
  2.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (12)

  3. 1. Vokaer, A., Capelli, C., & Clover, C. (2025). African Red Slip Ware. In A. Leone (Ed.), The Excavation of Dibsi Faraj (Syria): Life on the Middle Euphrates (1st – 13th century AD).
  4. 2. Vokaer, A., & Haidar Vela, N. (2025). Amphorae and Unguentaria. In A. Leone (Ed.), The Excavation of Dibsi Faraj (Syria): Life on the Middle Euphrates (1st – 13th century AD)..
  5. 3. Vokaer, A. (2025). Late Roman/Byzantine Pottery. In A. Eger (Ed.), The Princeton Excavations of Antioch: Sector 17-O.: Volume 2: Artifact Studies. Leiden: Brepols.(Antiochene Studies Series).
  6. 4. Vokaer, A., & Paridaens, N. (2026). Preliminary archaeological Study of the Site of Broqta. In M. Peršin (Ed.), Archaeological Studies in the Jabal Moussa.(BAAL Supplement).
  7. 5. Vokaer, A. (2026). Preliminary report on the pottery from Qornet el-Deir- 2019. In M. Peršin (Ed.), Archaeological Studies in the Jabal Moussa.(BAAL Supplement).
  8. 6. Vokaer, A. (2022). Identifying Patterns of Production. In R. David (Ed.), Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies.: From the Nile valley to the Middle-East (pp. 102-108). Paris: Soleb.
  9. 7. Ozyar, A., Unlü, E., Pancaroglu, O., & Vokaer, A. (2017). Recent Fieldwork at Tarsus-Gözlükule: the Medieval Levels. In S. STEADMAN & G. McMahon (Eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia Volume II: Recent Discoveries (2015-2016) (pp. 197-226). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  10. 8. Vokaer, A. (2014). A 3rd to 4th century AD pottery assemblage from Apamea and some further considerations on pottery production and distribution in Roman Syria. In Roman Pottery in the Near East: Local Production and Regional Trade (pp. 37-51). Archaeopress.
  11. 9. Vokaer, A. (2013). Pottery production and exchange in Late Antique Syria. In L. Lavan (Ed.), Local Economies? Production and Exchange of Inland Regions in Late Antiquity (pp. 567-606). Leiden: Brill.(Late Antique Archaeology, 10). doi:10.1163/22134522-12340042
  12. 10. Vokaer, A. (2012). La Brittle Ware d’al-Hadir. Analyse de pâte. In M.-O. Rousset (Ed.), Al-Hadir. Etude archéologique d’un hameau de Qinnasrin (Syrie du Nord, VIIe-XIIe siècles). Qinnasrin I (pp. 119-128). Lyon.(Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 59).
  13. 11. Vokaer, A., Genequand, D., Ali, R., Haldemann, M., & Studer, J. (2010). Rapport préliminaire des campagnes 2008 et 2009 de la mission archéologique syro-suisse de Qasr al-Hayr al Sharqi. In SLSA Jahresbericht 2009.

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