Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)

  1. 1. Vereecke, D., Cornelis, K., Van Montagu, M., El Jaziri, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2001). Metabolic colonization: the fate of a leafy gall. In S. H. De Boer (Ed.), Plant pathogenic bacteria (pp. 169-172). Kluwer.
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (4)

  3. 1. Vereecke, D., Cornelis, K., Temmerman, W., El Jaziri, M., Van Montagu, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2002). Chromosomal locus that affects pathogenicity of Rhodococcus fascians. Journal of bacteriology, 184, 1112-1120.
  4. 2. Cornelis, K., Maes, T., El Jaziri, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2002). Virulence genes of the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians show specific spatial and temporal expression patterns during plant infection. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 15, 398-405.
  5. 3. Cornelis, K., Ritsema, T., Nijsse, J., Holsters, M., Goethals, K., & El Jaziri, M. (2001). The plant pathogen Rhodococcus fascians colonizes the exterior and interior of the aerial parts of plants. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 14, 599-608.
  6. 4. Cornelis, K., Goethals, K., Van Montagu, M., & El Jaziri, M. (1998). Detection of the phytopatogenic bacterium Rhodococcus fascians in infected plants. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society, 33, 115.
  7.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (1)

  8. 1. Cornelis, K., Limbourg, M.-C., Verbandt, Y., Morlion, B., Queeckers, P., & Swinnen, V. (2000). Telescience operation in the belgian user support and operation center. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on space operations at the start of the 3rd Millenium. Vol. 2 (p. 4) International Symposium on space operations at the start of the 3rd Millenium(6).
  9.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (1)

  10. 1. Cornelis, K., Van Montagu, M., Goethals, K., & El Jaziri, M. (1999). Localising the plant pathogenic bacterium Rhodococcus fascians in plant tissue. 9th International Congress of Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions (p. 183) Abstract session presented at (25-30 Juillet 1999: Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
  11.   Thèses et mémoires (1)

  12. 1. Cornelis, K. (2000). Behaviour of the phytopathogenic bacterium Rhodococcus fascians on plants (Thèse doctorale non-publiée). Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des sciences, Bruxelles.