Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)
Vereecke, D., Cornelis, K., Van Montagu, M., El Jaziri, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2001). Metabolic colonization: the fate of a leafy gall. In S. H. De Boer (Ed.), Plant pathogenic bacteria (pp. 169-172). Kluwer. Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (4)
Vereecke, D., Cornelis, K., Temmerman, W., El Jaziri, M., Van Montagu, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2002). Chromosomal locus that affects pathogenicity of Rhodococcus fascians. Journal of bacteriology, 184, 1112-1120.2.
Cornelis, K., Maes, T., El Jaziri, M., Holsters, M., & Goethals, K. (2002). Virulence genes of the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians show specific spatial and temporal expression patterns during plant infection. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 15, 398-405.3.
Cornelis, K., Ritsema, T., Nijsse, J., Holsters, M., Goethals, K., & El Jaziri, M. (2001). The plant pathogen Rhodococcus fascians colonizes the exterior and interior of the aerial parts of plants. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 14, 599-608. Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (1)
Cornelis, K., Limbourg, M.-C., Verbandt, Y., Morlion, B., Queeckers, P., & Swinnen, V. (2000). Telescience operation in the belgian user support and operation center. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on space operations at the start of the 3rd Millenium. Vol. 2 (p. 4) International Symposium on space operations at the start of the 3rd Millenium(6). Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (1)
Thèses et mémoires (1)