Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (10)
Vandenberghe, M., Michiels, J., Vanderaspoilden, V., Claes, T., & Fery, P. (2015). Elaboration et normalisation d'une épreuve d'évaluation de la mémoire épisodique verbale chez la personne âgée: "GERIA-12". Revue neurologique, 171, 853-865. doi:10.1016/j.neurol.2015.08.0013.
Bier, J. C., Donckels, V., Van Eyll, E., Claes, T., Slama, H., Fery, P., & Vokaer, M. (2005). The French Addenbrooke's cognitive examination is effective in detecting dementia in a French-speaking population. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 19(1), 15-17. doi:10.1159/0000809654.
Vokaer, M., Donckels, V., Van Eyll, E., Claes, T., Slama, H., Fery, P., & Bier, J. C. (2004). The French Addensbrook’s Cognitive Examination is effective to detect dementia in French speaking population. European journal of neurology, 11(Supplément 2), P1035, 46. doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2004.00919.x5.
Bier, J. C., Ventura, M., Donckels, V., Van Eyll, E., Claes, T., Slama, H., Fery, P., Vokaer, M., & Pandolfo, M. (2004). Is the Addenbrooke's cognitive examination effective to detect frontotemporal dementia? Journal of neurology, 251(4), 428-431. doi:10.1007/s00415-004-0345-z6.
Vokaer, M., Bier, J. C., Elincx, S., Claes, T., Paquier, P., Goldman, S., Bartholomé, E., & Pandolfo, M. (2002). The cerebellum may be directly involved in cognitive functions. Neurology, 58(6), 967-970.7.
Bier, J. C., Fery, P., Elincx, S., Claes, T., Ventura, M., & Goldman, S. (2002). Depression may mimic the clinical and metabolic patterns of degenerative disease. Alzheimer's reports, 5, 41-44.8.
Moroni, C., Boucart, M., Fery, P., Claes, T., & Belin, C. (2002). Is the attentional blink effect located in short-term memory? Brain and cognition, 48, 475-479. doi:10.1006/brcg.2001.140110.
Levivier, M., Dethy, S., Rodesch, F., Peschanski, M., Vandesteene, A., David, P., Wikler, D., Goldman, S., Claes, T., Biver, F., Liesnard, C., Goldman, M., Hildebrand, J., & Brotchi, J. (1997). Intracerebral transplantation of fetal ventral mesencephalon for patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. Methodology and 6-month to 1-year follow-up in 3 patients. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, 69(1-4 Pt 2), 99-111. doi:10.1159/000099859 Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (4)
Vokaer, M., Donckels, V., Van Eyll, E., Claes, T., Slama, H., Fery, P., & Bier, J. C. (2004). The French Addensbrook’s Cognitive Examination is effective to detect dementia in French speaking population. Poster présenté à la conférence European Federation of Neurological Society (Septembre 2004: Paris).