Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Schiffmann, S. N., Maenhaut, C., Libert, F., Vassart, G., Dumont, J. E., & Vanderhaeghen, J.-J. (1991). RDC8: un récépteur unique, couplé à une protéine G, identifié comme un récepteur adénosine A2, exprimé préférentiellement au niveau des neurones striataux enképhalinergiques.: In: 11ème Séminaire Hivernal des Neurosciences Européennes., pp 27-34. Ollat H.
  2. 2. Schiffmann, S. N., Libert, F., Maenhaut, C., Vassart, G., Dumont, J. E., & Vanderhaeghen, J.-J. (1991). Identification of the two recently cloned orphan receptors RDC8 and RDC7 as adenosine A1 and A2 receptors, respectively. Localisation in basal ganglia.: In: New Issues in Neurosciences (NINS) - Basic and Clinical Approaches - Basal ganglia and movement disorders. NINS, 3, 235-249. Bignami A.
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (7)

  4. 1. Dumont, J. E., Opitz, R., Christophe, D., Vassart, G., Roger, P. P., & Maenhaut, C. (2015). Ontogeny, Anatomy, Metabolism and Physiology of the Thyroid. In L. J. De Groot, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. P. Chrousos, & K. Dungan (Eds.), Ontogeny, Anatomy, Metabolism and Physiology of the Thyroid. South Dartmouth (MA): MDText.com, Inc.(Endotext [Internet]).
  5. 2. Dumont, J. E., Maenhaut, C., Christophe, D., Vassart, G., & Roger, P. P. (2015). Chap 75. Thyroid regulatory factors. In L. J. De Groot & J. L. Jameson (Eds.), Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric (pp. 1297-1320). Elsevier.
  6. 3. Dumont, J. E., Maenhaut, C., Christophe, D., Vassart, G., & Roger, P. P. (2006). Thyroid regulatory factors. In L. J. De Groot & J. L. Jameson (Eds.), Endocrinology (5 ed., pp. 1837-1860). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders.
  7. 4. Maenhaut, C., Detours, V., & Dumont, J. E. (2006). Systems biology, cell specificity, and physiology. In R. Paton & L. McNamara (Eds.), Multidisciplinary approaches to theory in medecine (pp. 265-277). Amsterdam: Elsevier.(Studies in multidisciplinarity, 3). doi:10.1016/S1571-0831(06)80019-5
  8. 5. Reuse, S., Maenhaut, C., Lefort, A., Libert, F., Parmentier, M., Raspé, E., Roger, P. P., Corvilain, B., Laurent, E., Mockel, J., Lamy, F., Van Sande, J., Vassart, G., & Dumont, J. E. (1990). The control of human thyroid cell function, proliferation and differentiation. In T. M. Konijn, M. D. Houslay, & P. J. M. van Haastert (Eds.), : Activation and desensitization of transducing pathways. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
  9. 6. Libert, F., Parmentier, M., Lefort, A., Dinsart, C., Van Sande, J., Maenhaut, C., Simons, M. J., Dumont, J. E., & Vassart, G. (1989). Homology cloning of cDNAs amplified by the polymerase chain reaction: Identification of four new members of the G protein-coupled receptor family. In J. Nunez & J. E. Dumont (Eds.), Hormones and Cell Regulation. John Libbey Eurotext.(Colloques INSERM).
  10. 7. Raspé, E., Reuse, S., Maenhaut, C., Roger, P. P., Corvilain, B., Laurent, E., Mockel, J., Van Sande, J., & Dumont, J. E. (1989). Importance and variability of transducing systems in the control of thyroid cell function, proliferation and differenciation. In P. Goretzki & H. Röher (Eds.), Growth Regulation of Thyroid Gland and Thyroid Tumors (pp. 1-13). Basel: Karger.(Frontiers of hormone research, 18).
  11.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (117)

  12. 1. Pita, J. M., Raspé, E., Coulonval, K., Decaussin-Petrucci, M., Tarabichi, M., Dom, G., Libert, F., Ruscas-Craciun, L. I., Andry, G., Wicquart, L., Leteurtre, E., Tresallet, C., Marlow, L. A., Copland, J. A., Durante, C., Maenhaut, C., Cavaco, B. M., Dumont, J. E., Costante, G., & Roger, P. P. (2023). CDK4 phosphorylation status and rational use for combining CDK4/6 and BRAF/MEK inhibition in advanced thyroid carcinomas. Frontiers in endocrinology, 14, 1247542. doi:10.3389/fendo.2023.1247542
  13. 2. Van Branteghem, C., Augenlicht, A., Demetter, P., Craciun, L., & Maenhaut, C. (2023). Unraveling the Roles of miR-204-5p and HMGA2 in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Tumorigenesis. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13). doi:10.3390/ijms241310764
  14. 3. Pita, J. M., Coulonval, K., Costante, G., Myriam, D., Emmanuelle, L., Cavaco, B. M., A, C. J., Durante, C., Maenhaut, C., Dumont, J., Roger, P. P., & Raspé, E. (2022). CDK4 phosphorylation status and rational use of CDK4/6 inhibitors in advanced thyroid cancers. Endocrine abstracts, 84(07-34). doi:10.1530/endoabs.84.OP-07-34

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