Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (3)
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (32)
Cloquet, C., Sureau, F. F., Defrise, M., Van Simaeys, G., Trotta, N., & Goldman, S. (2010). Non-Gaussian space-variant resolution modelling for list-mode reconstruction. Physics in medicine and biology, 55(17), 5045-5066. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/55/17/0115.
Clackdoyle, R., Ghosh Roy, D. D., Defrise, M., Mennessier, C., & Mohamed, M.-S. O.M.-S. (2009). Two-dimensional region-of-interest reconstruction: analyzing the difference between virtual fanbeam and DBP-Hilbert reconstructions. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium conference record,, 5401760 3367-3371. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.54017608.
Comtat, C., Kinahan, P. E., Michel, C., Janeiro, L., Almeida, P. M. D. P., Trébossen, R., Lartizien, C., & Defrise, M. (2006). Numerical observer studies comparing FORE + AWOSEM, FORE + NECOSEM and NEC based fully 3-D OSEM for 3-D whole-body PET imaging. IEEE transactions on nuclear science, 53(3), 1645015, 1194-1199. doi:10.1109/TNS.2006.870089