Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (2)
Van Sint Jan, S., Feipel, V., Aerenhouts, D., Baeyens, J., Carpentier, A., Cattrysse, E., Clarys, J., Duchateau, J., Guissard, N., Leloup, T., Provyn, S., Rooze, M., Scafoglieri, A., Schuind, F., Van Roy, P., & Warzée, N. (2011). XXIIIrd congress of the International Society of Biomechanics - ISB2011 Conference book – Programme & Abstracts.2.
Van Sint Jan, S., Feipel, V., Aerenhouts, D., Baeyens, J., Carpentier, A., Cattrysse, E., Clarys, J., Duchateau, J., Guissard, N., Leloup, T., Provyn, S., Rooze, M., Scafoglieri, A., Schuind, F., Van Roy, P., & Warzée, N. (2011). ISB 2011 Conference book. Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (50)
Laurent, C., Penzer, F., Letroye, B., Carpentier, A., Baudry, S., & Duchateau, J. (2016). Effect of a strength training method characterized by an incremental number of repetitions across sets and a very short rest interv. Science & sports, 31, 115-121. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2016.04.0047.
Stragier, S., Baudry, S., Poortmans, J., Duchateau, J., & Carpentier, A. (2016). Leucine-enriched protein supplementation does not influence neuromuscular adaptations in response to a 6-month strength training programme in older adults. Experimental gerontology, 82, 58-66. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2016.06.002