Ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur (3)

  1. 1. Mandel, P. (2010). Nonlinear optics: An analytical approach. Berlin: Wiley-VCH.
  2. 2. Mandel, P. (2005). Theoretical problems in cavity nonlinear optics (paperback). Cambridge (UK): Cambridge university press.
  3. 3. Mandel, P. (1997). Theoretical problems in cavity nonlinear optics (hardback). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4.   Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (5)

  5. 1. Andreev, V. P., Kocharovskaya, O., & Mandel, P. (1996). Coherent Phenomena and Amplification without inversion: Proceedings of ICONO'95: Coherent Phenomena and Amplification without inversion.
  6. 2. Mandel, P. (1992). Quantum optics: Proceedings of the XXth Solvay Conference on Physics.
  7. 3. Abraham, N. B., Garmire, E., & Mandel, P. (1991). Nonlinear dynamics in optical systems: Proceedings of the Topical Meeting. Washington DC: Optical society of America.
  8. 4. Mandel, P., Smith, S. D., & Wherrett, B. S. (1987). From optical bistability towards optical computing: the EJOB project. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  9. 5. Gibbs, H. M., Mandel, P., Peyghambarian, N., & Smith, S. D. (1986). Optical bistability III: Proceedings of the Topical Meeting. Berlin: Springer.
  10.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (8)

  11. 1. Mandel, P., & Lugiato, L. A. (1987). The two-level atom approach. In P. Mandel, S. D. Smith, & B. S. Wherrett (Eds.), From optical bistability towards optical computing: the EJOB project (pp. 97-101). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  12. 2. Lugiato, L. A., & Mandel, P. (1987). General properties of bistability. In P. Mandel, S. D. Smith, & B. S. Wherrett (Eds.), From optical bistability towards optical computing: the EJOB project (pp. 102-108). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  13. 3. Mandel, P. (1987). Optical transistor action. In P. Mandel, S. D. Smith, & B. S. Wherrett (Eds.), From optical bistability towards optical computing: the EJOB project (pp. 109-114). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  14. 4. Mandel, P. (1987). Switching dynamics. In P. Mandel, S. D. Smith, & B. S. Wherrett (Eds.), From optical bistability towards optical computing: the EJOB project (pp. 115-20). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

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