Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (13)

  1. 1. Mascart, F., Hites, M., Watelet, E., Verschelden, G., Meuris, C. C., Doyen, J. L., Van Praet, A., Godefroid, A., Petit, E., Singh, M., Locht, C., & Corbiere, V. (2023). Analysis of a Combined HBHA and ESAT-6-Interferon-γ-Release Assay for the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Lymphadenopathies. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(6), 2127. doi:10.3390/jcm12062127
  2. 2. Corbiere, V., Lambert, E. E., Rodesch, M., van Gaans-van den Brink, J. A. M., Misiak, A., Simonetti, E., Van Praet, A., Godefroid, A., Diavatopoulos, D. D., Van Els, C. A. C. M. C., & Mascart, F. (2023). A semi high-throughput whole blood-based flow cytometry assay to detect and monitor Bordetella pertussis-specific Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses. Frontiers in immunology, 14, 1101366. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2023.1101366
  3. 3. Dirix, V., Dauby, N., Hites, M., Watelet, E., Van Praet, A., Godefroid, A., Petit, E., Singh, M., Locht, C., Mascart, F., & Corbiere, V. (2022). Optimal Detection of Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection by Combined Heparin-Binding Hemagglutinin (HBHA) and Early Secreted Antigenic Target 6 (ESAT-6) Whole-Blood Interferon Gamma Release Assays. Journal of clinical microbiology, 60(5), e0244321. doi:10.1128/jcm.02443-21
  4. 4. Albayrak, N., Orte Cano, C., Karimi, S., Dogahe, D., Van Praet, A., Godefroid, A., Del Marmol, V., Grimaldi, D., Bondue, B., Van Vooren, J.-P., Mascart, F., & Corbiere, V. (2022). Distinct Expression Patterns of Interleukin-22 Receptor 1 on Blood Hematopoietic Cells in SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 13. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.769839
  5. 5. Dirix, V., Collart, P., Van Praet, A., Hites, M., Dauby, N., Allard, S., Racapé, J., Singh, M., Locht, C., Mascart, F., & Corbiere, V. (2022). Immuno-Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis by a Combination of Cytokines/Chemokines Induced by Two Stage-Specific Mycobacterial Antigens: A Pilot Study in a Low TB Incidence Country. Frontiers in immunology, 13, 842604. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.842604
  6. 6. Benhadou, F., Dirix, V., Domont, F., Willaert, F., Van Praet, A., Locht, C., Mascart, F., & Corbiere, V. (2021). Tuberculosis Risk Stratification of Psoriatic Patients Before Anti-TNF-α Treatment. Frontiers in immunology, 12, 672894. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.672894
  7. 7. Albayrak, N., Dirix, V., Aerts, L., Van Praet, A., Godefroid, A., Dauby, N., Windey, P., Muylle, I., Mascart, F., & Corbiere, V. (2021). Differential expression of maturation and activation markers on NK cells in patients with active and latent tuberculosis. Journal of leukocyte biology. doi:10.1002/JLB.4A1020-641RR
  8. 8. Tiezzi, M., Morra, S., Seminerio, J., Van Muylem, A., Godefroid, A., Law-Weng-Sam, N., Van Praet, A., Corbiere, V., Orte Cano, C., Karimi, S., Del Marmol, V., Bondue, B., Benjelloun, M., Lavis, P., Mascart, F., Van De Borne, P., & Cardozo, A. K. (2021). SP-D and CC-16 Pneumoproteins' Kinetics and Their Predictive Role During SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 761299. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.761299
  9. 9. Dreesman, A., Dirix, V., Smits, K., Corbiere, V., Van Praet, A., Debulpaep, S., De Schutter, I., Felderhof, M. K., Malfroot, A., Singh, M., Locht, C., Mouchet, F., & Mascart, F. (2019). Identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in infants and children with partial discrimination between active disease and asymptomatic infection. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7(JULY), 311. doi:10.3389/fped.2019.00311
  10. 10. Henrard, S., Corbiere, V., Schandené, L., Ducarme, M., Van Praet, A., Petit, E., Singh, M., Locht, C., Dirix, V., & Mascart, F. (2019). Proportions of interferon-γ-producing ascites lymphocytes in response to mycobacterial antigens: A help for early diagnosis of peritoneal tuberculosis in a low TB incidence country. PloS one, 14(4), e0214333. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214333
  11. 11. Aerts, L., Selis, E., Corbiere, V., Smits, K., Van Praet, A., Dauby, N., Petit, E., Singh, M., Locht, C., Dirix, V., & Mascart, F. (2019). HBHA-Induced Polycytotoxic CD4+ T Lymphocytes Are Associated with the Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Humans. The Journal of immunology, 202(2), 421-427. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1800840
  12. 12. Delporte, C., Van Praet, A., Herchuelz, A., Winand, J., & Christophe, J. (1993). Contrasting effects of PACAP and carbachol on [Ca2+]i and inositol phosphates in human neuroblastoma NB-OK-1 cells. Peptides, 14(6), 1111-1118. doi:10.1016/0196-9781(93)90163-B

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