Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)
Aigrain, P., & Englert, F. (1958). Les semiconducteurs. Dunod.
Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (1)
Henneaux, M., Englert, F., & Spindel, P. (1994). Proceedings of the Journées relativistes '93. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (13)
Englert, F. (2022). The BEH mechanism and its scalar boson. In Nobel Lectures In Physics (2011-2015) (pp. 217-244). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Englert, F. (2014). The Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism and its scalar boson. In Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story: Yakir Aharonov Festschrift the Global Financial Crisis and the Indian Economy (pp. 39-51). Springer-Verlag Milan. doi:10.1007/978-88-470-5217-8_4
Englert, F. (2005). Broken symmetry and Yang-Mills theory. In 50 years of Yang-Mills theory. World Scientific.
Englert, F. (2005). Broken symmetry and Yang–Mills theory. In 50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory (pp. 65-95). World Scientific Publishing Co. doi:10.1142/9789812567147_0004
Aharonov, Y., Brout, H. R., & Englert, F. (1997). La Notion de Temps. In Y. Aharonov (Ed.), Le vieillissement. Bruxelles: Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles.(Laus Medicinae).
Casher, A., & Englert, F. (1993). Entropy generation in quantum gravity and black hole remnants. In M. Bianchi, F. Fucito, E. Marinari, & A. Sagnotti (Eds.), String theory, quantum gravity and the unification of the fundamental interactions. World Scientific.
Englert, F. (1990). From quantum correlations to time and entropy. In P. Nicoletopoulos & J. Orloff (Eds.), The Gardener of Eden.(Physicalia Magazine, 12).
Brout, H. R., & Englert, F. (1987). Cosmologie quantique. In J. Schneider (Ed.), La nouvelle encyclopédie Diderot, Aux confins de l'univers. Paris: Fayard, Fondation Diderot.
Englert, F. (1986). Hidden superstrings. In Festschrift in honor of Y. Nambu.
Englert, F. (1985). Metric spacetime from field propagation on fractal structures. In E. Gotsman & G. Tauber (Eds.), From SU(3) to Gravity: Festschrift in Honor of Yuval Ne'eman (pp. 35-67). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.