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    List of publications of Eric Trepo

      Contributions to collective works (1)

  1. 1. Moreno, C., & Trepo, E. (2013). Vitamin D deficiency and liver disease. In V. Arroyo & J. Rodés (Eds.), Advances in therapy of liver diseases. Spain: Ars Medica.
  2.   Peer-reviewed journal articles (70)

  3. 1. Zeng, Q., Klein, C., Caruso, S., Maille, P., Allende, D. S., Mínguez, B., Iavarone, M., Ningarhari, M., Casadei-Gardini, A., Pedica, F., Rimini, M., Perbellini, R., Boulagnon-Rombi, C., Heurgué, A., Maggioni, M., Trepo, E., Vij, M., Baulande, S., Legoix, P., Lameiras, S., HCC-AI study group,, Bruges, L., Gnemmi, V., Nault, J. C., Campani, C., Rhee, H., Park, Y. N., Iñarrairaegui, M., Garcia-Porrero, G., Argemi, J., Sangro, B., D'Alessio, A., Scheiner, B., Pinato, D. J., Pinter, M., Paradis, V., Beaufrère, A., Peter, S., Rimassa, L., Di Tommaso, L., Vogel, A., Michalak, S., Boursier, J., Loménie, N., Ziol, M., & Calderaro, J. (2023). Artificial intelligence-based pathology as a biomarker of sensitivity to atezolizumab-bevacizumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicentre retrospective study. Lancet oncology, 24(12), 1411-1422. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00468-0
  4. 2. Marot, A., Henrion, J., Knebel, J. F., Trepo, E., Moreno, C., & Deltenre, P. (2023). A model for individualized prediction of liver-related death in outpatients with alcohol-associated cirrhosis. Hepatology Communications, 7(9). doi:10.1097/HC9.0000000000000229
  5. 3. Otero Sanchez, L., Zhan, C.-Y., Gomes Da Silveira Cauduro, C., Crenier, L., Njimi, H., Englebert, G., Putignano, A., Lepida, A., Degré, D., Boon, N., Gustot, T., Deltenre, P., Marot, A., Devière, J., Moreno, C., Cnop, M., & Trepo, E. (2023). A machine learning-based classification of adult-onset diabetes identifies patients at risk for liver-related complications. JHEP Reports.
  6. 4. Whitfield, J. B., Seth, D., Morgan, T. R., & Trepo, E. (2022). All-cause and liver-related mortality risk factors in excessive drinkers: Analysis of data from the UK biobank. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, 46(12), 2245-2257. doi:10.1111/acer.14968
  7. 5. Molina, L., Zhu, J., Trepo, E., Bayard, Q., Amaddeo, G., Le Bail, B., Chiche, L., Bioulac-Sage, P., Balabaud, C., Possenti, L., Decraecker, M., Paradis, V., Laurent, A., Blanc, J. F., Calderaro, J., Ma, X., Zucman-Rossi, J., & Letouzé, E. (2022). Bi-allelic hydroxymethylbilane synthase inactivation defines a homogenous clinico-molecular subtype of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of hepatology. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2022.05.018
  8. 6. Sidali, S., Trepo, E., Sutter, O., & Nault, J. C. (2022). New concepts in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. United European gastroenterology journal. doi:10.1002/ueg2.12286
  9. 7. Nahon, P., Bamba-Funck, J., Layese, R., Trepo, E., Zucman-Rossi, J., Cagnot, C., Ganne-Carrié, N., Chaffaut, C., Guyot, E., Ziol, M., Sutton, A., Audureau, E., & ANRS CO12 CirVir and CIRRAL groups, (2022). Integrating genetic variants into clinical models for hepatocellular carcinoma risk stratification in cirrhosis. Journal of hepatology. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2022.11.003
  10. 8. Deltenre, P., Trepo, E., & Moreno, C. (2022). The concept of MAFLD gathers patients with distinct disease progression trajectories. Journal of hepatology. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2022.11.009
  11. 9. Gigante, E., Hobeika, C., Le Bail, B., Paradis, V., Tougeron, D., Lequoy, M., Bouattour, M., Blanc, J. F., Ganne-Carrié, N., Tran, H., Hollande, C., Allaire, M., Amaddeo, G., Regnault, H., Vigneron, P., Ronot, M., Elkrief, L., Verset, G., Trepo, E., Zaanan, A., Ziol, M., Ningarhari, M., Calderaro, J., Edeline, J., & Nault, J. C. (2022). Systemic Treatments with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor and Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Unresectable or Metastatic Hepatocholangiocarcinoma. Liver Cancer, 11(5), 460-473. doi:10.1159/000525488
  12. 10. Ventura-Cots, M., Argemi, J., Jones, P. D., Lackner, C., El Hag, M., Abraldes, J. G., Alvarado, E., Clemente, A., Ravi, S., Alves, A., Alboraie, M., Altamirano, J., Barace, S., Bosques, F., Brown, R., Caballeria, J., Cabezas, J., Carvalhana, S., Cortez-Pinto, H., Costa, A., Degré, D., Fernandez-Carrillo, C., Ganne-Carrie, N., Garcia-Tsao, G., Genesca, J., Koskinas, J., Lanthier, N., Louvet, A., Lozano, J. J., Lucey, M. R., Masson, S., Mathurin, P., Mendez-Sanchez, N., Miquel, R., Moreno, C., Mounajjed, T., Odena, G., Kim, W., Sancho-Bru, P., Warren Sands, R., Szafranska, J., Verset, L., Schnabl, B., Sempoux, C., Shah, V. H., Shawcross, D. L., Stauber, R., Straub, B. K., Verna, E., Tiniakos, D., Trepo, E., Vargas, V., Villanueva, C., Woosley, J. T., Ziol, M., Mueller, S., Stärkel, P., & Bataller, R. (2022). Clinical, histological and molecular profiling of different stages of alcohol-related liver disease. Gut, 71(9), 1856-1866. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324295
  13. 11. Calderaro, J., Di Tommaso, L., Maillé, P., Beaufrère, A., Nguyen, C. T., Heij, L., Gnemmi, V., Graham, R. P., Charlotte, F., Chartier, S., Wendum, D., Vij, M., Allende, D., Diaz, A., Fuster, C., Rivière, B., Herrero, A., Augustin, J., Evert, K., Calvisi, D. F., Leow, W. Q., Ho Wai Leung, H., Bednarsch, J., Boleslawski, E., Rela, M., Wing-Hung Chan, A., Forner, A., Reig, M., Pujals, A., Favre, L., Allaire, M., Scatton, O., Uguen, A., Trepo, E., Otero Sanchez, L., Chatelain, D., Remmelink, M., Boulagnon-Rombi, C., Bazille, C., Sturm, N., Menahem, B., Frouin, E., Tougeron, D., Tournigand, C., Kempf, E., Kim, H., Ningarhari, M., Michalak-Provost, S., Kather, J. N., Gouw, A. S., Gopal, P., Brustia, R., Vibert, E., Schulze, K., Rüther, D. F., Weidemann, S. A., Rhaiem, R., Nault, J. C., Laurent, A., Amaddeo, G., Regnault, H., De Martin, E., Sempoux, C., Navale, P., Shinde, J., Bacchuwar, K., Westerhoff, M., Cheuk-Lam Lo, R., Mylène, S., Guettier, C., Lequoy, M., Komuta, M., Ziol, M., Paradis, V., Shen, J., & Caruso, S. (2022). Nestin as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma. Journal of hepatology.

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