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    List of publications of Stéphane Goriely

      Works published as editor or in collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Jorissen, A., Goriely, S., Siess, L., Rayet, M., & Boffin, H. (2004). The Future Astronuclear Physics: From Microscopic Puzzles to Macroscopic Nightmares. Paris: EDP sciences.
  2.   Contributions to collective works (6)

  3. 1. Goriely, S., & Kullmann, I. (2023). R-Process Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Merger Ejecta and Nuclear Dependences. In I. Tanihata, H. Toki, & T. Kajino (Eds.), Handbook of Nuclear Physics (pp. 1-26). Singapore: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-8818-1_91-1
  4. 2. Blaum, K., Eliseev, S., & Goriely, S. (2023). Masses of exotic nuclei. In I. Tanihata, H. Toki, & T. Kajino (Eds.), Handbook of Nuclear Physics, Handbook of Nuclear Physics. Singapore: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-8818-1_101-1
  5. 3. Kankainen, A., & Goriely, S. (2022). Nuclear Data and Experiments for Astrophysics. In Lenzi & D. Cortina-Gil (Eds.), Nuclear Data and Experiments for Astrophysics, Vol. 1005. The Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Vol. VI. Lecture Notes in Physics (p. 141). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-10751-1_4
  6. 4. Chamel, N., Pearson, M. J., & Goriely, S. (2013). Pairing: from atomic nuclei to neutron-star crusts. In R. Broglia & V. Zelevinsky (Eds.), 50 years of nuclear BCS: Pairing in Finite Systems (pp. 284-296). World Scientific. doi:10.1142/9789814412490_0021
  7. 5. Arnould, M., & Goriely, S. (2012). The r-process of nucleosynthesis: The puzzle is still with us. In I. Küçük (Ed.), The r-process of nucleosynthesis: The puzzle is still with us (pp. 61-88). Croatia: InTech - Open Access Publisher.
  8. 6. Goriely, S., Chamel, N., & Pearson, M. J. (2012). Neutron-star crusts and finite nuclei. In C. Bertulani & J. Piekarewicz (Eds.), Neutron Star Crust (pp. 213-233). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  9.   Peer-reviewed journal articles (463)

  10. 1. Choplin, A., Goriely, S., Siess, L., & Martinet, S. (2025). Synthesis of actinides and short-lived radionuclides during i-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. The European Physical Journal.
  11. 2. Ingeberg, V. W., Siem, S., Wiedeking, M., Choplin, A., Goriely, S., Siess, L., et al. (2024). Nuclear Level Density and gamma-ray Strength Function of 67Ni and the impact on the i-process. Physical review. C. Nuclear physics.
  12. 3. Varga, L., Glorius, J., Aliotta, M., Blaum, K., Bott, L., Brandau, C., Brückner, B., Bruno, C., Chen, X., Chen, R., Dababneh, S., Davinson, T., Dmytriiev, D., Dellmann, S., Dillmann, I., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Forstner, O., Gassner, T., Göbel, K., Goriely, S., Griffin, C., Grisenti, R., Groothuis, M., Gumberidze, A., Gyurki, G., Heil, M., Hensch, R., Hess, R., Hillenbrand, P.-M., Hillmann, P., Hinrichs, O., Joseph, R., Jurado, B., Kausch, T., Khasawneh, K., Khodaparast, A., Kisselbach, T., Klapper, N., Kozhuharov, C., Kurtulgil, D., Lane, A., Lane, G. J., Langer, C., Leckenby, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, Y. A., Litvinov, S., Löher, B., Lorenz, E., Delhaye, L., Lorentz, B., Marini, P., Marsh, J., Menz, E., Morgenroth, T., Nguyen, T., Nolden, F., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Psaltis, A., Reed, M., Reifarth, R., Sanjari, M., Savran, D., Sguazzin, M., Simon, H., Sidhu, R., Slavkovska, Z., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stöhlker, T., Stumm, J., Surzhykov, A., Swartz, J., Szucs, T., Taremi Zadeh, A., Thomas, B., T Kint, M., Torilov, S. Y., Tornqvist, H., Trager, M., Trageser, C., Vescovi, D., Volknandt, M., Weick, H., Weigand, M., Woods, P., Xing, Y., & Yamaguchi, T. (2025). Nuclear Astrophysics in the Storage Ring: Background Suppressed Simultaneous Measurement of (p,g) and (p,n) Reactions. Physical review letters, 134, 082701. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.082701
  13. 4. Grams, G., Shchechilin, N., Sánchez Fernández, A., Ryssens, W., Chamel, N., & Goriely, S. (2025). Skyrme–Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov mass models on a 3D mesh: IV. Improved description of the isospin dependence of pairing. European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and nuclei, 61, 35. doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-025-01503-x
  14. 5. Gheorghe, I., Ari-izumi, T., Goriely, S., Filipescu, D. M., Belyshev, S., Stopani, K., Wang, H., Fan, G., Scheit, H., Symochko, D., Krzysiek, M., Renstrom, T., Tveten, G., Miyamoto, S., & Utsunomiya, H. (2025). Photoneutron reactions on gold in the giant dipole resonance region: Reaction cross sections and average kinetic energies of (γ, xn) photoneutrons. Physical Review C, 111, 014611. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.111.014611

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