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    List of publications of Martina Volpi

      Peer-reviewed journal articles (4)

  1. 1. Giannini, S., Di Virgilio, L., Bardini, M., Hausch, J., Geuchies, J., Zheng, W., Volpi, M., Elsner, J., Broch, K., Geerts, Y., Schreiber, F., Schweicher, G., Wang, H. I., Blumberger, J., Bonn, M., & Beljonne, D. (2023). Transiently delocalized states enhance hole mobility in organic molecular semiconductors. Nature materials, 22, 1361-1369. doi:10.1038/s41563-023-01664-4
  2. 2. Volpi, M., Jouclas, R., Liu, J., Liu, G., Catalano, L., McIntosh, N., Bardini, M., Gatsios, C., Modesti, F., Turetta, N., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Koch, N., Erk, P., Samorì, P., Schweicher, G., & Geerts, Y. (2023). Enantiopure Dinaphtho[2,3‐ b :2,3‐ f ]thieno[3,2‐ b ]thiophenes: Reaching High Magnetoresistance Effect in OFETs. Advanced Science, 10(26), 2301914. doi:10.1002/advs.202301914
  3. 3. Fijahi, L., Li, J., Tamayo, A., Volpi, M., Schweicher, G., Geerts, Y., & Mas-Torrent, M. (2023). High throughput processing of dinaphtho[2,3- b :2′,3′- f ]thieno[3,2- b ]thiophene (DNTT) organic semiconductors. Nanoscale, 15, 230-236. doi:10.1039/D2NR05625A
  4. 4. Jouclas, R., Liu, J., Volpi, M., Silva De Moraes, L., Garbay, G., McIntosh, N., Bardini, M., Lemaur, V., Vercouter, A., Gatsios, C., Modesti, F., Turetta, N., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Kennedy, A. R., Koch, N., Erk, P., Samorì, P., Schweicher, G., & Geerts, Y. (2022). Dinaphthotetrathienoacenes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications in Organic Field‐Effect Transistors. Advanced Science, 9(19), 2105674. doi:10.1002/advs.202105674
  5.   Theses and master's dissertations (1)

  6. 1. Volpi, M. (2024). Design, synthesis and characterization of chiral organic semiconductors for spintronic applications. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences – Chimie, Bruxelles.